Hello there and happy belated Easter, I guess. I wanted this post to be about my lovely prolonged weekend and I am very sorry that it won't be but I've finished two absolutely brilliant books that I need to talk about.

So after the emotional rollercoaster that is Clockwork Princess I had to read something light hearted. Something fluffy and beautiful. No fantasy, nothing that was going to make me cry. So I picked up Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell which I had wanted to read for absolutely ages. This was yesterday afternoon. And I was not ready for what happened after that at all. I was pulled right out of the Shadowhunter world into this amazing story that Rainbow Rowell created. It was so beautiful. So so beautiful. I felt right at home with Cather. How could I not? And it made me laugh. So much. And even though I thought I had chosen a book that wouldn't, it also made me cry. But this time, I cried of joy. It all just made me so incredibly happy. This must be one of the happiest books I've ever read. And one of my favourites. It was just beautiful. I can't stress enough what a beautiful story it was. I mean look at the cover. Doesn't that mint grean color just scream happiness right at your face? The only tiniest let down with Fangirl for me was the ending. But every ending would've probably been a let down because I just did not want that book to end. I could've read on and on about the lives of Cath and Levi and Reagan (who has got to be the best person ever) and Wren and oh my god, please do not let it stop. As I was getting closer and closer to the end, I felt so anxious about actually turning that last page. It just could not happen. Please do not make it happen. And then it did. It just ended. And a little too abruptly for my taste. But I don't even really care anymore at this point. I'm overwhelmed by all the awesomeness that was this book.
And now I'm scared to pick up another book because I can't imagine it living up to these two brilliant stories I've just finished. It has been two crazy reading days. And two crazily brilliant books. And I don't want everything to go downhill from here even though I know it probably will.
But anyway, thank you very much for reading this. And now you should go and pick up either Clockwork Angel and start an incredible journey to 19th century London or if you're feeling a little more girly and bubbly, get Fangirl. You'll love it, I promise.
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